Teaching Students to Ask Their Own Questions: Best Practices in the Question Formulation Technique

Project Background 

  • 3 week online module 
  • Synchronous & asynchronous content including live interactive webinar 
  • Over 300 students in initial course run 
  • Faculty co-chair: James Ryan, Dean of Harvard Graduate School of Education 
  • Taught by educators Dan Rothstein and Luz Santana 

Course Features

  • The course provided options for activities that students could choose between based on their professional backgrounds.
  • This project incorporated multiple types of media including studio videos, screencasts and a live interactive webinar. 
  • Although this project followed a “light facilitation” model, students did receive personal feedback on an assignment from a facilitator

Metrics of Success

  • 92% of students reported that they were “a great deal” satisfied or “quite a bit” satisfied with the program 
  • 95% of students reported that the learning experience was “extremely useful” or “quite useful” to the work they would be doing in the next 6 months 
  • The live interactive webinar received highly positive student reviews. One student distracted from her dinner plans remarked “this was so good I burned my lasagna!” 

What was my Role? 

  • Lead Learning Designer on the project
  • Managed the project to ensure on time delivery within project scope
  • Managed instructional technology and media production 
  • Created a differentiated course design with Subject Matter Experts
  • Developed course content, structure and activities to align with learning outcomes  
  • Recommended technology tools based on the learning objectives
  • Managed redesign of the homepage (subsequently used for other projects)