Teaching Students to Ask Their Own Questions: Best Practices in the Question Formulation Technique
Project Background
3 week online module
Synchronous & asynchronous content including live interactive webinar
Over 300 students in initial course run
Faculty co-chair: James Ryan, Dean of Harvard Graduate School of Education
Taught by educators Dan Rothstein and Luz Santana
Course Features
The course provided options for activities that students could choose between based on their professional backgrounds.
This project incorporated multiple types of media including studio videos, screencasts and a live interactive webinar.
Although this project followed a “light facilitation” model, students did receive personal feedback on an assignment from a facilitator
Metrics of Success
92% of students reported that they were “a great deal” satisfied or “quite a bit” satisfied with the program
95% of students reported that the learning experience was “extremely useful” or “quite useful” to the work they would be doing in the next 6 months
The live interactive webinar received highly positive student reviews. One student distracted from her dinner plans remarked “this was so good I burned my lasagna!”
What was my Role?
Lead Learning Designer on the project
Managed the project to ensure on time delivery within project scope
Managed instructional technology and media production
Created a differentiated course design with Subject Matter Experts
Developed course content, structure and activities to align with learning outcomes
Recommended technology tools based on the learning objectives
Managed redesign of the homepage (subsequently used for other projects)